Public Relations Division of Student Admissions is Ready to Increase the Number of Applicants in 2017

Thursday (02/02), Vocational College (SV) UGM held a briefing session to 7 students of PR Division of Student Admissions Promotion of 2017. The students are Agyl Riyan Pradipta (coordinator), Siti Nur Arifah, Citra Dewi Hapsari, Ghozi Fawwaz Atstsaqofi, Fatihah Sinta Safira, Firmanda Dwi Putra and Fauzi Achmad Haruna.

Fitri Damayanti Berutu, SE., SS., M.Sc., as the assistant of Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, said that Student PR Division will collaborate with PR of SV UGM to promote Student Admissions of 2017. The goal of this division is to deliver information about the student admissions, registration procedure and study programs provided in SV UGM.

There are some jobs of PR Division of Student Admissions 2017 such as managing website and email, as well as social media namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Line. This division will be in charge at Student Admissions secretariat of SV UGM every day during Student Admissions period. (ty)