Vocational College UGM also contributes to supporting student’s’ concentration during the final exam semester. This is demonstrated with the distribution of free breakfast for Vocational College students on Wednesday-Thursday, 6-7 December, 2023. In collaboration with Ministry Social Society BEM KM SV UGM, this breakfast distribution activity is carried out through the Program BAKI (Bag of Kindness) starting at 08.00 A.M in two places, namely in front of the secretariat of BEM KM SV UGM and in hall Department of Economics and Business (DEB) Vocational College UGM. For those two days, provided servings of healthy breakfast for students.
BAKI or Bag of Kindness is a program from the Ministry of Social Affairs BEM KM SV UGM since May 2023, which aims to share food with others through display cases. Later, people will not only be able to take the food provided, but can fill the display case to share with others. Especially for this UAS edition, BAKI is here to help distribute free breakfast for Vocational College students.
“I hope that there will be BAKI activities, we can help students to get this free breakfast because usually during the exam they haven’t had time to eat breakfast,” explained Mrs. Fani Pramuditya, S.E., M.B.A. as Manager Unit of the Student Development. He also hopes that this activity can be sustainable so that it can continue to help Vocational College students.
“I’m very happy of course. Most of us are boarding house students here, so with this free food here we are really helped,” said Septian Widyo Nugroho, a student of Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Engineering. He also advised that this program could continue to be carried out for the benefit of UGM Vocational College students.
Distribution BAKI activity is hoped that this will encourage college students to eat breakfast regularly by consuming healthy foods, considering that college students usually have poor diets. Apart from maintaining health, with this invitation to breakfast, it is hoped that students can be more focused when working on the Final Exam Semester.
Author: Novita Widhi Astuti
Editor: Humas SV UGM