Lecturers and Students of Bachelor of Applied English SV UGM Supports MSMEs in Kulon Progo in Strengthening their Marketing Communication Strategies

On July 24, 2024, the English Study Program of the Vocational School at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) conducted a community service event in collaboration with the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Indigenous Entrepreneurs Association (HIPPI) in Kulon Progo. The theme of the event was “Strengthening Marketing Communication Strategies for MSMEs in Kulon Progo.” This initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on economic resources, entrepreneurship, and access to education.

Community service event in collaboration with the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Indigenous Entrepreneurs Association (HIPPI) in Kulon Progo
Community service event in collaboration with the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Indigenous Entrepreneurs Association (HIPPI) in Kulon Progo

The community service activity was carried out through two in-person training sessions and online mentoring via a WhatsApp group. The first training session took place at the Field Research Center of UGM’s Vocational School, with the second session scheduled for August 8, 2024, at the same location. This structured approach aims to provide comprehensive support to local entrepreneurs.

Eighteen participants, consisting of members and administrators of HIPPI, attended the first training session. These participants are micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) operators from various regions in Kulon Progo, representing diverse businesses including culinary products, snacks, bottled water, coconut sugar, ornamental plants, agricultural and livestock products, as well as various service offerings such as courses, tour and travel, and internet services.

The training was officially opened by Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A., the head of the community service team. In her opening remarks, Erlin expressed her hope that this community service initiative would provide practical benefits for MSME operators in Kulon Progo and that they would be able to apply the marketing communication strategies learned to promote their products effectively.

Participants showed great enthusiasm throughout the training, which was facilitated by Rezki Wulan Ramadhanty, S.E., M.Sc., AWP, a practitioner lecturer from the English Study Program with extensive experience in mentoring MSMEs as a trainer and consultant. The training focused on helping participants identify their marketing strengths through a digital marketing check-up and creating a content calendar for their social media platforms.

The interactive nature of the training encouraged participants to engage actively, share their experiences, and collaborate on developing effective marketing strategies. This approach not only enhances their understanding of marketing communication but also fosters a sense of community among local entrepreneurs.

The participants expressed their hopes that this community service initiative would empower MSMEs in Kulon Progo to capture a broader digital market share. By leveraging communication technologies and digital marketing strategies, they aim to enhance their visibility and competitiveness in the marketplace.

As part of the ongoing support, the online mentoring sessions via WhatsApp will provide continuous guidance and assistance to the participants, ensuring that they can implement the strategies learned during the training effectively. This follow-up is crucial for sustaining the momentum generated during the in-person sessions.

In conclusion, the collaboration between UGM and HIPPI represents a significant step towards achieving the SDGs by enhancing economic resources, promoting entrepreneurship, and ensuring access to education for local communities. The commitment to education for sustainability is evident in the efforts to equip MSMEs with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly digital economy.

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