Vocational School Universitas Gadjah Mada Research Team Analyzes SDGs Articles for Enhanced Sustainable Development Initiatives

Yogyakarta, 14 October – A team of researchers from the Vocational School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has undertaken a comprehensive analysis of news articles related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published between 2020 and 2024. This study aims to identify thematic focuses and keyword distributions concerning SDG 7, 8, 9, and 17, aligning UGM’s efforts with the global sustainable development agenda.

Training of Trainers: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for educational staff at UGM.
Training of Trainers: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for educational staff at UGM.

The research, conducted by three faculty members and one student from the Bachelor of Applied English Study program, utilized advanced corpus analysis tool, AntConc, to examine the frequency and relevance of keywords associated with these SDGs. The primary data corpus was derived from articles accessed through the UGM SDGs Center website, while secondary data included Elsevier’s SDGs keywords referenced in the Times Higher Education Impact rankings.

This study shows some key findings. SDG 7 articles focused on the use of clean energy in transportation and buildings, with keywords such as “energy” and “renewable energy” being most frequent. In SDG 8, there is a growing emphasis on economic growth and development, although topics surrounding decent work remain limited. In SDG 9, coverage of industry, innovation, and infrastructure was well-represented, indicating balanced reporting in this area. In SDG 17, collaboration with partners was a major theme, highlighting UGM’s commitment to fostering global partnerships.

“By mapping the thematic focuses and keyword frequencies, our research aims to provide actionable insights for enhancing UGM’s communication strategies and collaborative initiatives related to the SDGs,” said Erlin Estiana Yuanti, S.S., M.A. as the head of the research team. 

The study is a significant step towards improving UGM’s contributions to sustainable development and ensuring that the institution remains at the forefront of global efforts in achieving the SDGs.

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