I | V4TV1101 | Integrasi Sistem Ragawi | Integration of Physical System | 3 | |
I | V4TV1102 | Zooteknik | Technique of Zoology | 2 | |
I | V4TV1103 | Pengantar Teknologi Veteriner | Introduction of Veterinary Technology | 2 | |
I | V4TV1104 | Kimia dan Biokimia Analitik | Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry | 2 | |
I | V4TV1105 | Praktik Integrasi Sistem Ragawi | Practice of Integration of Physical System | | 2 |
I | V4TV1106 | Praktik Zooteknik | Practice of Zootechnique | | 2 |
I | V4TV1107 | Praktik Kimia dan Biokimia Analitik | Practice of Analitical Chemistry and Biochemstry | | 2 |
I | V4TV1108 | Praktik Keamanan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) | Practice of Occupational Health and Safety | | 2 |
II | V4TV1201 | Alat dan Instrumentasi Veteriner | Veterinary Instrumentation | 2 | |
II | V4TV1202 | Keterampilan Komunikasi | Communication Skills | 2 | |
II | V4TV1203 | Etika dan Legislasi Veteriner | Veterinary Ethics and Legislation | 2 | |
II | V4TV1204 | Teknologi Pakan dan Nutrisi Hewan | Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology | 2 | |
II | V4TV1205 | Dasar Genetika | Basic of Genetics | 2 | |
II | V4TV1206 | Praktik Kesejahteraan Hewan | Practice of Animal Welfare | | 2 |
II | V4TV1207 | Praktik Alat dan Instrumentasi Veteriner | Practice of Veterinary Instrumentation | | 2 |
II | V4TV1208 | Praktik Teknologi Pakan dan Nutrisi Hewan | Practice of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology | | 3 |
II | V4TV1209 | Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) | Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) | | 2 |
III | UNU- | Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian Languange | 2 | |
III | V4TV2301 | Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium I | Applied of Laboratory Technology I | 2 | |
III | V4TV2302 | Teknologi Industri Hewan Aquatik | Aquatic Animal Industrial Technology | 2 | |
III | V4TV2303 | Pengantar Penyakit Hewan | Introduction to Animal Disease | 2 | |
III | V4TV2304 | Praktik Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium I | Practice of Applied Laboratory Technology I | | 3 |
III | V4TV2305 | Praktik Teknologi Industri Hewan Aquatik | Practice of Aquatic Animal Industrial Technology | | 2 |
III | V4TV2306 | Praktik Pengantar Penyakit Hewan | Practice of Introduction to Animal Disease | | 3 |
III | V4TV2307 | Praktik Statistik Terapan | Practice of Applied Statistics | | 3 |
IV | V4TV2401 | Transformasi Digital | Digital Transformation | 2 | |
IV | V4TV2402 | Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium II | Applied of Laboratory Technology II | 2 | |
IV | V4TV2403 | Prosedur dan Aplikasi Biosekuriti | Procedure and Apllication of Biosecurity | 2 | |
IV | V4TV2404 | Teknologi Industri Hewan Terestrial | Terresterial Animal Industrial Technology | 3 | |
IV | V4TV2405 | Praktik Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium II | Practice of Applied of Laboratory Technology II | | 3 |
IV | V4TV2406 | Praktik Prosedur dan Aplikasi Biosekuriti | Practice of Procedure and Apllication of Biosecurity | | 2 |
IV | V4TV2407 | Praktik Teknologi Industri Hewan Terestrial | Practice of Terresterial Animal Industrial Technology | | 3 |
IV | V4TV2408 | Praktik Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah | Practice of Animal Waste Management Technology | | 2 |
V | V4TV3501 | Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan | Animal Reproduction Technology | 2 | |
V | V4TV3502 | Higiene dan Sanitasi Produk Hewan | Hygiene and Sanitation of Animal Product Origin | 2 | |
V | V4TV3503 | Bioteknologi Terapan | Applied Biotechnology | 2 | |
V | V4TV3504 | Teknologi Obat Hewan | Animal Medicine Technology | 2 | |
V | V4TV3505 | Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) | Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) | | 2 |
V | V4TV3506 | Praktik Teknologi Reproduksi Hewan | Practice of Animal Reproduction Technology | | 2 |
V | V4TV3507 | Praktik Higiene dan Sanitasi Produk Hewan | Practice of Hygiene and Sanitation of Animal Product Origin | | 2 |
V | V4TV3508 | Praktik Bioteknologi Terapan | Practice of Applied Biotechnology | | 2 |
V | V4TV3509 | Praktik Teknologi Obat Hewan | Practice of Animal Medicine Technology | | 2 |
VI | SV- | Proyek Multidisiplin (MK lintas fakultas) | Multidiscipline Project | | 2 |
VI | UNU | Bahasa Inggris I | English I | 2 | |
VI | V4TV3601 | Pra-seminar | Pre-Seminar | 2 | |
VI | V4TV3602 | Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Asal Hewan | Animal Product Origin Processing Technology | 2 | |
VI | V4TV3603 | Kendali Mutu Produksi Produk Asal Hewan | Quality Control in Production of Animal Product Origin | 2 | |
VI | V4TV3604 | Praktik Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Asal Hewan | Practice of Animal Product Origin Processing Technology | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3605 | Praktik Teknologi Pemuliaan Hewan | Practice of Animal Breeding Technology | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3606 | Praktik Kendali Mutu Produk Asal Hewan | Practice of Quality Control in Production of Animal Product Origin | | 3 |
VI | V4TV3607 | MK Pilihan I | Elective Course I | | 2 |
VI | UNU-0206 | KKN | Community Services Program | | 3 |
VI | V4TV3608.1 | Penyusunan Dokumen HACCP | HACCP Documentation and Record Keeping | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3608.2 | Aneka Satwa Harapan | Non-Livestock Animals | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3608.3 | Epidemiologi dan Ekonomi Veteriner | Epidemiology and Veterinary Economics | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3608.4 | Teknologi Hewan Laboratorium | Animal Laboratory Technology | | 2 |
VI | V4TV3608.5 | Kualitas dan Keamanan Produk Akuakultur | Quality and Safety of Aquaculture Product Origin | | 2 |
VII | UNU 0104 | Agama | Religious Education | 2 | |
VII | UNU-001 | Kewarganegaraan | Civic Education | 2 | |
VII | UNU-002 | Pancasila | Pancasila Education (The Five Principles) | 2 | |
VII | UNU- | Softskills | Softskills | 0 | 0 |
VII | V4TV4701 | Rancangan dan Inovasi Teknologi Veteriner | Veterinary Technology Design and Innovation | 2 | |
VII | SV-1105 | Ide Kreatif & Kewirausahaan | Creative Idea and Enterpreunership | | 2 |
VII | SV-1100 | Bahasa Inggris II | English II | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4702 | Praktik Rancangan dan Inovasi Teknologi Veteriner | Practice of Veterinary Technology Design and Innovation | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703 | MK Pilihan II | Elective Course II | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703.1 | Formulasi Pakan Dietetik | Dietetic Feed Formulation | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703.2 | Regulasi Bisnis Pengolahan Pangan Asal Hewan | Animal Food Product Bussiness Regulation | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703.3 | Food and Vector Borne Disease | Food and Vector Borne Disease | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703.4 | Aplikasi Teknik Diagnostik | Application of Diagnostic Technique | | 2 |
VII | V4TV4703.5 | Sistem Komputasi dan Software | Computation system and software | | 2 |
VIII | V4TV4801 | Magang Industri I | Industrial Field Work I | | 2 |
VIII | V4TV4802 | Magang Industri II | Industrial Field Work II | | 2 |
VIII | V4TV4803 | Magang Industri III | Industrial Field Work III | | 2 |
VIII | V4TV4804 | Magang Industri IV | Industrial Field Work IV | | 2 |
VIII | V4TV4805 | Proyek Akhir | Final Project | | 6 |