To Provide Ready to Work Human Resources, SV UGM Held Intensive Debriefing Session for Graduates

Thursday (09/02), Vocational College (SV) UGM held debriefing session for graduates of SV UGM batch II (February) in 2017. Taking place at Library Hall of SV UGM, there were 221 graduates be given a brief course from Vice Dean for Cooperation, Alumni and Strategic Initiatives, Radhian Krisna Putra, S.T., M.Eng.

Radhian explained that this event is a means of giving motivation and tips to graduates in order to prepare them to face industrial world.

“Graduates of SV UGM are designed to be ready for real work,” he said.

Taking advantages of Vocational Development Center (VDC) SV UGM, graduates of SV Ugm could get a job easily. It is proven that within 1 year, there are more than 500 job vacancies uploaded on the website and social media which could be accessed by students and alumni.

VDC also distributes Alumni Card and VDC Membership Card to graduates in attempt to ease them at getting facilities during JobFair which is regulargy held twice a year by VDC. (ty)