SV UGM Brought Back the Existence of International Community (IC) for Students

After being temporarily suspended for one year, International Community (IC) of Vocational College (SV) UGM batch 2017 was officially re-established in February 2017. This community is now running under the management of Office of International Affairs (OIA) and under the supervision of Vice Dean for Research, Community Service and International Affairs. The members of this community are students of SV UGM who are interested in developing their English proficiency, developing leadership skills and participating in international programs as well as increasing international networks. Taking place at room SV 225 on Thursday (23/02/17), the first gathering of IC was attended by more than 100 students. Students are very excited to join this community regarding the benefits.

Dean of Vocational College UGM, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D, said that one of many reasons why SV UGM brought back the existence of International Community among students is to sharpen students’ English proficiency. He considered that this point is very important to support and encourage students to compete in global world. Besides, IC was also re-established to bring international atmosphere among students so that they could accustom themselves to using English every day.

“IC could be a source of information about international programs and international opportunities,” Andri Handayani as Manager of OIA SV said.

Regular meeting of IC would be held twice a month. Each meeting may include monitoring and training to prepare students for participating in international programs, such as student exchange, joint research, summer camp, etc. Not to mention, IC meeting would also invite native speakers to accommodate students’ interest in writing high quality Curriculum Vitae, Presentation, Papers and Proposals. (ty)