SV UGM Officially Launches TEVocS Laboratory (Test of English for Vocational College Students)

Friday (7/4), Vocational College UGM officially launched Test of English for Vocational Students (TEVocS) Laboratory, which is recognized as a test to measure English proficiency of Vocational College students. TEVocS takes 45 minutes each round consisting of listening part and reading part per round. TEVocS was designed by English Language Study Program of SV UGM collaborated with BNI which provided 20 units of computer for IDR 150,000,000.

The ceremony was marked with ribbon cutting by Wikan Sakarinto, Dean of SV UGM, witnessed by the Vice Deans, lecturers of English Language study program, Officials of UGM’s branch BNI. Wikan said, this laboratory could bring many benefits since in the midst of globalization it is a must to master English as a means of communication to improve the quality of graduates.

“I think it is a must and could be a mandatory requirement of graduation at SV UGM. By mastering foreign languages, especially English language, graduates could become dynamic leaders of company instead of becoming static employees,” he said.

TEVocS Laboratory will be managed by Vocational Development Center (VDC) SV UGM. Every student gets chance to take their first test for free, whilst to take the second test they must pay IDR 125,000.

Ir. Hotma Prawoto Sulistyadi, M.T., IP.MD., Manager of VDC said that SV UGM had planned to have Language Laboratory since long time ago. We expect that TEVocS Laboratory could facilitate students on measuring their English proficiency.

“Temporarily, TEVocS is designed for students of SV UGM. But in the future, TEVocS could be opened for public” he added. (ty)