Equate the Perception of Assessment and Calculation of Credit Lecturer, Vocational College held Workshop for Lecturers and Staff

On Wednesday (22/2) Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada held workshop assessment and calculation credit for lecturer which is one of the programs of Vice Dean for Human Resources and Finance. The workshop attended by all the lecturer and staff around Vocational College UGM and located at the main building of Vocational College UGM room 225.

Faiz Zamzami. M.Acc, QIA., the Vice Dean for Human Resources and Finance explained that his hope through this workshop could be give the same  understanding about calculation of lecturer credit and equate perception between lecturer proposer and lecturer assessor.

This event has 2 speakers which competent in the field of human resources, they are Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, M.A., as the leader of 3rd Commission Senate Academic and Aris Tati, S.I.P, as the Head of Unit of Lecturers Mutation at Directorate of Human Resources Universitas Gadjah Mada, the workshop runs very interactive, which shown by there are so many questions from the participants which easily answered and solved by both of speakers. Meanwhile, explanation of the speakers is divided in to 2 sessions, each speaker explained and describe about the assessment of lecturer’s promotion and the way to calculate credit of lecturer promotion.

“All lecturers in UGM get the same equal treatment in the case of lecturer’s promotion recommendation.” Aris Tati said.

In the end of the meeting, Prof. Bambang explained that behind the proposal of the lecturer’s promotion, not just the individual needs of the lecturer who proposed, but also would make good impact and benefit to many people.