Never Stop Innovating, Vocational College Held Workshop on Lecturer’s Credit Assessment

Thursday (23/03/17), the functions of a lecturer involve acknowledgement, appreciation, and credence of his/her competences, performance, integrity and responsibility on implementing Tridharma. Besides, those functions could be recognized as non-material incentive to boost their performance and creativity. Considering that, the standard and assessment procedures should run condusively.

Referring to that condition, on Wednesday 22 March 2017 at room 225 Isorekso Hadiprodjo building, Vocational College UGM presented workshop “Socialization of Credit Assessment” organized by Unit of Finance, Asset and Human Resources.

This workshop was attended by Vice Dean of Finance, Asset and Human Resources Faiz Zamzami, S.E., M.Acc., QIA accompanied by his assistant, Nabella Duta Nusa, M.Acc. Within his opening speech, Faiz explained that lecturer promotion is required not only to improve the quality of the individual but to develop the institution.

“Since 1 January 2017, there are 39% lecturers that have not got promotion within 10 years”, he said.

Dean of Vocational College UGM, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D added that this workshop aims at preparing the future of Vocational College by motivating lecturers to get promotion.

“In 2022 Vocational College should be independent because the future is us”, he said.

This workshop, which was attended by lecturers of SV UGM, presented a guest speaker from Directorate of Human Resources UGM, Aries Tati, S. IP., as the officer at Unit of Lecturer Transfer. During the workshop, Aries Tati was explaining the administration procedures and requirements to get lecturer promotion.

“I must emphasize that instead of cummulative credits, lecturers should prepare both national and international journals,” she said.

Supported by competence guest speaker, SV UGM expected that all lecturers understand the recent procedures of credit assessment for lecturer promotion. (ty)