Strengthen The PR’s Function, Vocational College UGM held Workshop

On Friday (17/3), Vocational College in its daily activities always gets contact with many parties. One of those parties which has a symbiosis mutualism with institution that is Media. The Capability of communication with Press in spoken and written is obviously needed by the Public Relation’s (PR) staff in every single division in order to produce a good reputation in the people’s eyes. Located in room 225 Iso Reksohadiprojo’s building, Vocational College held the workshop of PR with the theme “Public Relation’s role in Imaging Institution”

Attended to open the workshop, Dean of Vocational College UGM Wikan Sakarinto, Ph.D and Manager of PR, Supriadianto, M.A., in his speech, Wikan explained that this workshop got positive things for annual work program for this PR unit. Wished by this workshop would improve the institutional of PR which strong and competence around the faculty and the entire area of UGM, specifically in giving the information service optimally and responsible.

Furthermore, to all participants hoped can participate with more active and understand the material that explained by the speaker till the end of the workshop.

The guest speaker of this program is the head of Public Relation and Protocols Unit of UGM, Dr. Iva Ariani and attended by Head of Departments, Representatives of Study Program, and Students.

“We are the front liner which draws the image of University. Our hard work builds UGM which has achievements and reputation would be useless, if its front liner didn’t give their best service to public” Iva added.

Bring the urgency that strongly explained by the Dean, Iva asked the participants know and understand about the role and function about PR UGM and she asked to reflects the good and bad habits UGM society in social media in the thing of upload the photos and status which indirectly taking part of build the image of institution.

To supply the participant in writing the news, the 2nd session continued by Satria Ardhi Nugraha, S.S., more deeply, Satria explained that to publish and inform the news is not must in written, through the temporary media like online media (internet) such a photo is also a news.

“In general, news has written with reporting technic, and not all the things can be informed. We have to see the value of the news and the benefit before published.

The Satria’s presentation closed with QA-session where all the participants enthusiasm response the material that given by the speaker. Many participants hope this material would be given wider to each work units.