SV UGM is Carrying Out Teaching Industry Project in Kulonprogo

kp-1024x696Wednesday (28/10), Tim Hibah Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Inovasi Akademik (Grants for Planning and Development of Academic Innovation Team) Sekolah Vokasi (SV) UGM paid a visit to Local Government of Kulonprogo to discuss about preparation of Teaching Industry project realization. The delegates from SV UGM were led by the Director himself, that is Ir. Hotma Prawoto Sulistyadi, M.T.,IP-Md. They were warmly welcome by the head of Local Planning and Development Bureau (Bappeda), Ir. Agus Langgeng Basuki.

Teaching Industry (TI) is a project under collaboration between UGM and Local Government of Kulonprogo, in which it was initiated by UGM to develop and improve the quality of vocational education in UGM.

According to Hotma, Teaching Industry program could develop knowledge based on applied research which could stimulate the creation and invention of innovation needed by society.

Hotma stated that through Teaching Industry the synergy between education and industry to embody the dignity as an independent nation could be upheld.

The application of Link and Match principle, which is elaborated into Teaching Industry concept, would be carried out in the arrangement of developing campus building nearby and access to real industry. In this case, UGM has been collaborating with Local Government of Kulonprogo.

Furthermore, to embody the sinergy between education and industry, Vocational College UGM as educational institution takes significant role in the development of industry, especially in Kulonprogo. Contribution of SV UGM academicians related to the development of knowledge based on applied research should focuses on agriculture products or agroindustry. Then, it would be implemented directly by industries in Kulonprogo.

Aside from visiting Local Government in Kulonprogo, delegates of Vocational College UGM also paid a visit to CV. Karya Hidup Sentosa known as Pabrik Traktor Quick (“Quick” Tractor Manufacturer) in Kulonprogo. Based on the arrangement, Vocational College UGM will also exchange mutual collaboration with Pabrik Traktor Quick to develop teaching industry in Kulonprogo.