Vocational College UGM held workshop to “reach” Community Service’s Grants DIKTI 2017

Wednesday (08/02/17) Vocational College held workshop “Tips to reach the grants from DIKTI (Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia) at room 225 Iso Reksohadiprodjo building and attended by lecturers in different background of the majors. The main speaker of this workshop is Drh. Wisnu Nur Cahyo, Ph.D who is the reviewer DIKTI in the field of community service.

This workshop opened by Vice Dean for Community Service, International Affairs and Public Relations Dr. Silvy Nur Oktalina, M.Si. In her opening speech, she explained that this workshop aimed to gain the information about the strategic tips to reach the Grants of Community Service DIKTI.

The speaker presented about the main purpose of community service and to propose many service’s proposals which will be funded by DIKTI. Community Service considered as the 3rd activity after Education and Research so far, whereas community service has great role as the “bridge” between Universities to public society in the Republic of Indonesia.

Wisnu explained if we want to start the service, enter with empathy theme, do not only tridharma’s teachs that sought but also tridharma’s services and research for accreditation and preferment. At least there are 10 schemes of Community Service Grants which funded by DIKTI, those are Ibm, KKKN-PPM, IbW, IbWPT, IbK, Ib-IKK, IbDM, IbPUD, ibPE and Hi-Link.

“The value of service is high if there much multidiscipline in one team, so there is discipline value”. He added.

 By held this workshop, it’s expected to supply the lecturers in this Faculty with knowledge and skill of mastering the methodology especially which related about the way of proposal’s preparation and supporting the lecturers arrange the service’s proposal to proposed as the annually service’s proposal.