The 3rd ICTSD 2023, Presents Speakers and Presenters from 11 Countries

Vocational College UGM held the international conference “ICTSD” for the 3rd time on Thursday-Friday, November 2-3, 2023 online. The International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development is an international conference agenda held biennially to accommodate researchers from various disciplines to be able to share and collaborate on innovation in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The scientific disciplines that was carried out on this occasion consist of 4 symposia, including; Earth Science and Construction Technology Symposium with the subtheme “Sustainable infrastructure and monitoring technology for better environment”; Symposium on Agrotechnology and Environment with the subtheme “Advances in Agro technological innovation for Sustainable Development”; Socioeconomic-humanities symposium with subtheme “Social Impacts: New Advances of Human Ecosystem and Globalization”; and Mechanical, Electrical and Information Technology Symposium with subtheme “Recent Advances, Applications and Challenges in Smart Manufacturing and Information Technology for Sustainable Development”. 

Speakers in this international conference came from 5 countries, which are Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Netherlands, and the Czech Republic. The main speakers who presented at this conference were Prof. Saeid Eslamian from the College of Agriculture Isfahan University of Technology, Iran and Wingky Kurniawan., S.T., M.Eng. from PT. Hino Motor Indonesia. In addition, this international conference also presented eight guest speakers for the four symposia.  

The agenda of the first day was the opening ceremony which began with remarks from Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada as Director of Research Universitas Gadjah Mada and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Agus Maryono, IPM., ASEAN Eng. as Dean of the Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada. In his speech, Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada appreciated the activities of the 3rd ICTSD and emphasised the importance of the power of applied research to drive positive change, encourage sustainable development, and create a better future for the generations.

“Let us remember that our collective actions today will shape the world of tomorrow. Let us harness the power of applied research to drive positive change, promote sustainable development, and create a better future for generations to come.” said the Dean of Vocational College UGM, Prof. Agus Maryono.

He also stated that Vocational College keeps on encouraging applied research as an effort to create solutions for the current global problems and challenges. “In the midst of the global challenges we face, the significance of applied research in steering our world towards sustainability has never been more crucial,” he said in his speech. 

Furthermore, the keynote speech in the panel session was delivered by two main speakers, Prof. Saeid Eslamian who delivered a presentation related to “Innovation for a Sustainable Future: The Impact of Applied Research”, and Wingky Kurniawan., S.T., M.Eng. who delivered a presentation on Industry 4.0 implementation in the Automotive Industry. 

The next agenda was panel sessions per symposium which held in 4 breakout rooms in the afternoon session, with the following speakers: Prof. Yoshihiko Tsumura from the University of Tsukuba Japan and Prof. Wuled Lenggoro from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan at the symposium on Agrotechnology and Environment; Filip Benes, Ph.D. from VSB–Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic and Prof. Bayu Jayawardhana from University of Groningen Netherlands at the symposium on Mechanical, Electrical and Information Technology, Carly Trachtman, Ph.D. from the International Food Policy Research Institute USA and Prof. Dr. Deborah Cole from Utrecht University Netherlands at the symposium on Socioeconomics and Humanities, and Dr. Alvaro Semedo from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education Netherland and Dr. Caroline Gevaert from The University of Twente Netherlands at the symposium on Earth Science and Construction Technology.  Then, a parallel session for presenters from the Agrotechnology and Environment cluster took place at the end of the first day of the conference. 

On the second day of the conference, the presentation session was continued according to their respective symposium with a total participant number of 61 presenters from 7 countries, including Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, China, UK, Korea, and Ecuador. There were 14 presenters in the Agrotechnology and Environment cluster, 16 presenters in the Socio-Economic and Humanities cluster, 15 presenters in the Earth Science and Construction Technology cluster, and 16 presenters in the Mechanical, Electrical and Information Technology cluster. The event was closed with the symbolic presentation of E-certificates and awarding for the Best Presenter from each symposium. 

Writers: Novita Widhi Astuti, Nadiva Rizkita Agustina

Editor: Humas SV UGM