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- Department of Foreign Languages, Art, and Culture Management
- Archives and Records Management
Archives and Records Management

Address | : | Sekip Unit 1 Catur Tunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55281 |
Phone | : | (0274) 589750 |
: | dbsmb.sv@ugm.ac.id | |
Website | : | https://dbsmb.sv.ugm.ac.id/id/coba-beranda/ |
Archives and Records Management study program was established to respond to the challenges and changes in the development of archives science and information management which were triggered by the rapid development of information and communication technology. The Archives and Records Management Study Program has a vision to become a higher education institution that is able to produce professional applied bachelors in the field of archiving who are cultured, superior and innovative, have national insight and are internationally competitive and have the spirit of Pancasila.
- Archives and Records Management study program has partnerships through MoU with the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia, Regional Archives Institutions and private companies, become the member of the International Council on Archives (ICA), member of The Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association (seapavaa), Association of Indonesian Archives (AAI), and Association of Higher Education Providers in Library and Information Sciences (APTIPI), Facilitated by great laboratories (Conventional Archives, Electronic Archives, Archives Preservation and Conservation, Office Administration) and Records Center to support lectures activities.
- Professional Lecturer with competence in the Archives
- The curriculum structure is appropriate and adequate to produce competent graduates as expert archivists.
Career Prospects
Archivist in Governmental organizations (ANRI, Ministry, Governmental Institutions , Non-Ministerial Government Institutions, and Regional Government Organizations), BUMN and BUMD (PT KAI, Antara, PLN, etc.); Private Organizations/Companies (Banking, Tempo, Kompas Gramedia, etc.).
- Good Accreditation