(27/12) The Department of Language, Art, and Culture Management held a farewell meeting for Arisa Yamaguchi from Soka University, Japan, who had finished one semester at SV UGM. Arisa joined “International Short Course Program”, a program that provides the participant to take some credits as well as assist the lecturer in class. This program is open for any students interested to learn and share their knowledge/expertise.
(21/1) Dean of SV UGM Wikan Sakarinto, Ph.D. and President of Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (CUFS), Korea, Joong Ryul Kim, Ph.D. signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) about the cooperation in the field of academic, community service, and research. The MoA includes the possibility for student, lecturer and staff exchange in order to improve the knowledge of the delegates.
Three students from Canada: Hemali Borada, Sneha Chandrababu, Vismaya Bhagavathi Parambath and one Artistic Director from Shivamanohari School of Performing Arts Canada participated in a workshop of Lambangsih Dance. It included in the agenda of Cross-Cultural Program 2019 done by Department of Language, Art, and Culture Management SV UGM. The material was delivered by Dewi Cahya Ambarwati, an SV UGM lecturer, and Anggara Sri Wisnu, a traditional javanese dancer in Balai Budaya Minomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta, last August.
SV UGM and Volunteer in Asia (VIA) Indonesia did MoU signing on Global Fellowship Program and International Learning Coaching Program last 2018. These programs are meant to provide native speakers for students of SV UGM. The programs do not only accommodate formal English learning; it also allows students to learn English through informal discussions.
Department of Language, Art, and Culture Management SV UGM held the first summer camp with the theme “Utilization of Local Resources in Village Communities for Economic Sustainable Growth” on 8-20 July 2019. GREAT is the abbreviation of “Global Relations for Empowerment And developmenT”; it brings the mission to build the networking in order to empower and develop the society. The program includes lectures, discussions, rural area visit, social & leisure activities, and cultural events. The delegates came from Malaysia, China, Taiwan, and Korea.
14 students joining Pacific Asia Society (PAS) visited SV UGM on 3-22 July 2019 for student exchange program. The program includes the exchange of culture, language, sports, and art (music and dance). One of the events they held during this program was Korean Food Festival. Collaborating with the students of Korean Language SV UGM, they didn’t only serve food but also dance and music performances.
Kitakyushu College visited SV UGM on 26 September 2019. The delegates are Prof. Nabuhiro Harada (President), Prof. Hisanobu Terai (Chairman of Robotics and Mechatronics Course), and Prof. Xin Jiang (Assistant Professor). During the visit, they discuss about Kitakyushu College programs and the possibility to have exchange programs with SV UGM. welcomed by the dean and vice deans of SV UGM, the delegates were also invited to visit SV UGM laboratories.
Ibaraki University visited SV UGM on February 6, 2019. Mr. Keito Motegi, representative of Ibaraki University OIA staff, was accompanied by Ni Nyoman Indriyani from the UGM Faculty of Agriculture UGM, and the staff of OIA SV UGM. The visit was part of the agenda of Staff Exchange program from Ibaraki University Office of International Affairs (OIA). During the event, SV UGM representative shared about Sekolah Vokasi UGM, then shared about the possibility of collaborating with Ibaraki University such as Student Exchange, Internship or Community Service, which had previously been carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture UGM, especially in the field of Agriculture and Agroindustry.