About Vocational College
About Vocational College UGM
Campus History
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) established Technical Expert Education (PAT) under the Faculty of Engineering and Administrative Expert Education (PAAP) under the Economics Faculty in 1976-1977. In 1983 PAT was moved under the Faculty of Non-Degree Engineering (FNGT) and PAAP under the Faculty of Non-Degree Economics (FNGE). PAT and PAP in 1992 were returned to their parent faculties, as were other diploma programs that existed that year. These programs were the forerunners of the Vocational College UGM (Sekolah Vokasi UGM). In 2009, SV UGM was founded to accommodate all vocational education programs organized by UGM. SV UGM, as part of UGM, continues to strive to participate in helping solve the nation’s problems. For this reason, SV UGM continues to strive to organize skills-based education to produce competent human resources (HR). In implementing education, SV UGM always prioritizes links and matches with Industry, Business, and the World of Work (IDUKA) based on competency certification.
Vocational education, according to Law Number 12 of 2012 is higher education that prepares students for jobs with applied skills whose levels can be carried out up to applied bachelor, applied master, and applied doctorate. Vocational education is characterized in its curriculum with a composition of 60% practice and 40% theory.