I | Peraturan Kehutanan | Forest Regulation | 2 | |
I | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
I | Bahasa Inggris 1 | English 1 | 2 | |
I | Dasar-Dasar Manajemen Hutan | Basic of Forest Management | 2 | |
I | Ekologi Hutan | Forest Ecology | 2 | |
I | Praktikum Ekologi Hutan | Practical of Forest Ecology | | 2 |
I | Ilmu Tanah Hutan | Forest Soil Science | 2 | |
I | Praktikum Ilmu Tanah Hutan | Practical of Forest Soil Science | | 2 |
I | Dendrologi | Dendrology | 2 | |
I | Praktikum Dendrologi | Practical of Dendrology | | 2 |
II | Praktik Pengenalan Tipe Hutan | Practical of Forest Type Introduction | | 2 |
II | Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
II | Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian Language | 2 | |
II | Pemetaan dan SIG Kehutanan | Mapping and Forestry GIS | 2 | |
II | Praktikum Pemetaan dan SIG Kehutanan | Practical of Mapping and Forestry GIS | | 2 |
II | Fisiologi Pohon | Tree Physiology | 2 | |
II | Praktikum Fisiologi Pohon | Practical of Tree Physiology | | 2 |
II | Silvikultur Hutan Tropika | Tropical Forest Silviculture | 2 | |
II | Praktikum Silvikultur Hutan Tropika | Practical of Tropical Forest Silviculture | | 2 |
II | Pengantar Pengusahaan Hutan | Forest Enterprise Introduction | 2 | |
III | Praktik Pengantar Pengusahaan Hutan | Practical of Forest Enterprise Introduction | | 2 |
III | Teknik Persemaian dan Penanaman | Nursery and Planting Technique | 2 | |
III | Praktikum Persemaian Hutan | Practical of Forest Nursery | | 2 |
III | Praktikum Penanaman dan Pemeliharaan Hutan | Practical of Forest Planting and Maintenance | | 2 |
III | Perlindungan Hutan | Forest Protection | 2 | |
III | Praktikum Perlindungan Hutan | Practical of Forest Protection | | 2 |
III | Pemanenan Hasil Hutan | Forest Harvesting | 2 | |
III | Praktikum Pemanenan Hasil Hutan | Practical of Forest Harvesting | | 2 |
III | Konservasi Tanah dan Air | Soil and Water Conservation | 2 | |
III | Praktikum Konservasi Tanah dan Air | Practical of Soil and Water Conservation | | 2 |
III | Agama | Religion | 2 | |
IV | Praktik Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Hutan | Practical of Forest Resource Management | | 2 |
IV | Praktikum Pengelolaan Agroforestri | Practical of Agroforestry Management | | 2 |
IV | Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Hutan | Forest Resource Inventory | 2 | |
IV | Praktikum Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Hutan | Practical of Forest Resource Inventory | | 2 |
IV | Pengaturan Hasil Hutan | Forest Yield Regulation | 2 | |
IV | Praktikum Pengaturan Hasil Hutan | Practical of Forest Yield Regulation | | 2 |
IV | Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai | Watershed Management | 2 | |
IV | Struktur dan Sifat Kayu | Wood Structure and Properties | 2 | |
IV | Praktikum Struktur dan Sifat Kayu | Practical of Wood Structure and Properties | | 2 |
IV | Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Kehutanan | Forestry Extension and Communication | 2 | |
IV | Kehutanan Sosial | Social Forestry | 2 | |
V | Pengolahan Hasil Hutan | Forest Product Processing | 2 | |
V | Praktikum Pengolahan Hasil Hutan Kayu | Practical of Timber Forest Product Processing | | 2 |
V | Praktikum Pengolahan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu | Practical of Non-Timber Forest Product Processing | | 2 |
V | Perencanaan Pengusahaan Hutan | Forest Enterprise Planning | | 2 |
V | Ekonomi Sumber Daya Hutan | Forest Resources Economic | 2 | |
V | Praktikum Ekonomi Sumber Daya Hutan | Practical of Forest Resources Economic | | 2 |
V | Kewirausahaan | Entrepreneurship | 2 | |
V | Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan | Forest resource Conservation | 2 | |
V | Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan | Forest Community Empowerment | | 2 |
V | Praktikum Statistik Kehutanan | Practical of Forestry Statistic | | 2 |
VI | Praktik Penyusunan Rencana Pengelolaan Hutan | Practice of Forest Management Planning Arrangement | | 2 |
VI | Metode Penelitian dan Penulisan Ilmiah | Research and Scientific Writing Method | | 2 |
VI | Pengelolaan Jasa Lingkungan Hutan | Forest Environmental Service Management | 2 | |
VI | Etika Profesi dan Kepemimpinan Rimbawan | Forester Ethics and Leadership | 2 | |
VI | Bahasa Inggris 2 | English 2 | | 2 |
VI | Desain Produk Kreatif Hasil Hutan (P) | Creative Design of Forest Product | | 2 |
VI | Manajemen Agrobisnis Kehutanan (P) | Forestry Agribusiness Management | | 2 |
VI | Manajemen Industri Hasil Hutan (P) | Forest Product Industry Management | | 2 |
VI | Sertifikasi Hutan (P) | Forest Certification | | 2 |
VI | Pemasaran Hasil Hutan (P) | Forest Product Marketing | | 2 |
VI | Kemitraan Kehutanan (P) | Forestry Partnership | | 2 |
VI | Resolusi Konflik Kehutanan (P) | Forestry Conflict Resolution | | 2 |
VI | Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi (P) | Conservation Area Management | | 2 |
VI | Teknik Silvikultur Intensif (P) | Intensive Silviculture Technique | | 2 |
VI | Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat (P) | Community Forest Management | | 2 |
VI | Pengelolaan Hutan Kota (P) | Urban Forest Management | | 2 |
VII | Proyek Mandiri Lintas Disiplin | Multi-discipline Project | | 3 |
VII | Persiapan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Kehutanan | Preparation of Forestry Competency Certification | | 2 |
VII | Kuliah Kerja Nyata | Student Community Service | | 3 |
VIII | Magang | Internship | | 8 |
VIII | Proyek Akhir | Final Project | | 6 |