I | V4RI1101 | Bahasa Inggris Teknik 1/English for Engineering 1 | 2 | |
I | V4RI1102 | Matematika Teknik/Engineering Mathematics | 2 | |
I | V4RI1103 | Pengantar Teknologi Informasi/Introduction of Information Technology | 2 | |
I | V4RI1104 | Teknik Komputer Dasar/Fundamental of Computer Engineering | 2 | |
I | V4RI1105 | Konsep Pemrograman/Programming Concept | 2 | |
I | V4RI1106 | Teknik Telekomunikasi/Telecommunication Engineering | 2 | |
I | V4RI1107 | Listrik Dasar/Fundamental of Electricity | 2 | |
I | V4RI1108 | P. Konsep Pemrograman/Programming Concept Lab. Work | | 2 |
I | V4RI1109 | P. Teknik Komputer Dasar/Fundamental of Computer Engineering Lab. Work | | 2 |
I | V4RI1110 | P. Listrik Dasar/Fundamental of Electricity Lab. Work | | 2 |
II | V4RI1201 | Bahasa Inggris Teknik 2/English for Engineering 2 | 2 | |
II | V4RI1202 | Kewarganegaraan/Citizenship | 2 | |
II | V4RI1203 | Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja/Workplace health and safety | 2 | |
II | V4RI1204 | Jaringan Komputer 1/Computer Networking 1 | 2 | |
II | V4RI1205 | Basis Data /Database | 2 | |
II | V4RI1206 | Elektronika/Electronics | 2 | |
II | V4RI1207 | P. Jaringan Komputer 1/Computer Networking 1 Lab. Work | | 2 |
II | V4RI1208 | P. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek/Object Oriented Programming Lab. Work | | 2 |
II | V4RI1209 | P. Teknik Telekomunikasi /Telecommunication Engineering Lab. Work | | 2 |
II | V4RI1210 | P. Elektronika/Electronics Lab. Work | | 2 |
III | V4RI2101 | Bahasa Inggris Teknik 3/English for Engineering 3 | 2 | |
III | V4RI2102 | Jaringan Komputer 2/Computer Networking 2 | 2 | |
III | V4RI2103 | Perancangan Jaringan 1/Network Design 1 | 2 | |
III | V4RI2104 | Administrasi dan Manajemen Jaringan 1/Network Administration and Management 1 | 2 | |
III | V4RI2105 | Sistem Operasi Jaringan/Network Operating System | 2 | |
III | V4RI2106 | Teknologi Nirkabel/Wireless Technology | 2 | |
III | V4RI2107 | P. Jaringan Komputer 2/Computer Networking 2 Lab. Work | | 2 |
III | V4RI2108 | P. Adm dan Manajemen Jaringan 1/Network Administration and Management 1 Lab. Work | | 2 |
III | V4RI2109 | P. Pemrograman Jaringan/Network Programming Lab. Work | | 2 |
III | V4RI2110 | P. Basis Data /Database Lab. Work | | 2 |
IV | V4RI2201 | Bahasa Inggris Teknik 4/English for Engineering 4 | 2 | |
IV | FIU120X | Agama/Religion | 2 | |
IV | V4RI2203 | Keamanan Informasi 1/Information Security 1 | 2 | |
IV | V4RI2204 | Administrasi dan Manajemen Jaringan 2/Network Administration and Management 2 | 2 | |
IV | V4RI2205 | Perancangan Jaringan 2/Network Design 2 | 2 | |
IV | V4RI2206 | P. Keamanan Informasi 1/Information Security 1 Lab. Work | | 2 |
IV | V4RI2207 | P. Perancangan Jaringan 1/Network Design 1 Lab. Work | | 2 |
IV | V4RI2208 | P. Adm dan Manajemen Jaringan 2/Network Administration and Management 2 Lab. Work | | 2 |
IV | V4RI2209 | P. Teknologi Nirkabel/Wireless Technology Lab. Work | | 2 |
V | UNU1209 | Pancasila/Pancasila | 2 | |
V | V4RI3102 | Sistem Tertanam/Embedded System | 2 | |
V | V4RI3103 | Paparan Kompetensi Global 1/Exposure to Global Competencies 1 | 2 | |
V | V4RI3104 | Keamanan Informasi 2/Information Security 2 | 2 | |
V | V4RI3105 | Proyek Mandiri Lintas Disiplin Ilmu 1/Independent Project of Cross Discipline 1 | | 2 |
V | V4RI3106 | Sistem Komunikasi Serat Optis/Optical Fiber Communication System | 2 | |
V | V4RI3107 | P. Keamanan Informasi 2/Information Security 2 Lab. Work | | 2 |
V | V4RI3108 | P. Perancangan Jaringan 2/Network Design 2 Lab. Work | | 2 |
V | V4RI3109 | Rancangan dan Aplikasi IoT/Design and Application of IoT | | 2 |
V | V4RI3110 | Kerja Bengkel 1/Workshop Project 1 | | 2 |
VI | V4RI3201 | Pilihan Lintas Disiplin 1/Elective of Cross-Discipline 1 | 2 | |
VI | V4RI3202 | Paparan Kompetensi Global 2/Exposure to Global Competencies 2 | 3 | |
VI | V4RI3203 | Probabilitas dan Statistika/Prabability and Statistic | 2 | |
VI | V4RI3204 | Proyek Mandiri Lintas Disiplin Ilmu 2/Independent Project of Cross Discipline 2 | | 2 |
VI | V4RI3205 | Metodologi Penelitian/Research Methodology | 2 | |
VI | V4RI3206 | Logika Matematika/Mathemathics Logic | 2 | |
VI | V4RI3207 | Jaringan Bergerak Pitalebar/Mobile Broadband | 2 | |
VI | V4RI3208 | P. Jaringan Bergerak Pitalebar/Mobile Broadband Lab. Work | | 1 |
VI | V4RI3209 | P. Sistem Komunikasi Serat Optis/Optical Fiber Communication System Lab. Work | | 1 |
VI | V4RI3210 | Kerja Bengkel 2/Workshop Project 2 | | 2 |
VII | V4RI4101 | Pilihan Lintas Disiplin 2/Elective of Cross-Discipline 2 | 2 | |
VII | V4RI4102 | Pilihan Lintas Disiplin 3/Elective of Cross-Discipline 3 | 2 | |
VII | V4RI4103 | Bahasa Indonesia dan Penulisan Laporan/Indonesian Language | 2 | |
VII | V4RI4104 | Paparan Kompetensi Global 3/Exposure to Global Competencies 3 | 3 | |
VII | V4RI4105 | Etika Profesi TI/IT Professional Ethics | 1 | |
VII | V4RI4106 | P.Keamanan Infrastruktur Jaringan/Network Infrastructure Security Lab. Work | | 2 |
VII | V4RI4107 | Manajemen Proyek TI/IT Project Management | 2 | |
VII | V4RI4108 | Ide Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan/Creative Idea and Enterpreneurship | | 2 |
VIII | V4RI4201 | Proyek Akhir/Final Project | | 6 |
VIII | UNU4201 | KKN/Student Community Service | | 3 |
VIII | V4RI4203 | Pangayaan Kompetensi Global/Enhanced Studium Generale | | 2 |