Curriculum Of Veterinary Technology

SemesterCODESubject IndonesiaSubject EnglishCredits TheoryCredits Practical
IV4TV1101Integrasi Sistem RagawiIntegration of Physical System3
IV4TV1102ZooteknikTechnique of Zoology2
IV4TV1103Pengantar Teknologi VeterinerIntroduction of Veterinary Technology2
IV4TV1104Kimia dan Biokimia AnalitikAnalytical Chemistry and Biochemistry2
IV4TV1105Praktik Integrasi Sistem RagawiPractice of Integration of Physical System2
IV4TV1106Praktik ZooteknikPractice of Zootechnique2
IV4TV1107Praktik Kimia dan Biokimia AnalitikPractice of Analitical Chemistry and Biochemstry2
IV4TV1108Praktik Keamanan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)Practice of Occupational Health and Safety2
IIV4TV1201Alat dan Instrumentasi VeterinerVeterinary Instrumentation2
IIV4TV1202Keterampilan KomunikasiCommunication Skills2
IIV4TV1203Etika dan Legislasi VeterinerVeterinary Ethics and Legislation2
IIV4TV1204Teknologi Pakan dan Nutrisi HewanAnimal Nutrition and Feed Technology2
IIV4TV1205Dasar GenetikaBasic of Genetics2
IIV4TV1206Praktik Kesejahteraan HewanPractice of Animal Welfare2
IIV4TV1207Praktik Alat dan Instrumentasi VeterinerPractice of Veterinary Instrumentation2
IIV4TV1208Praktik Teknologi Pakan dan Nutrisi HewanPractice of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology3
IIV4TV1209Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)2
IIIUNU-Bahasa IndonesiaIndonesian Languange2
IIIV4TV2301Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium IApplied of Laboratory Technology I2
IIIV4TV2302Teknologi Industri Hewan AquatikAquatic Animal Industrial Technology2
IIIV4TV2303Pengantar Penyakit HewanIntroduction to Animal Disease2
IIIV4TV2304Praktik Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium IPractice of Applied Laboratory Technology I3
IIIV4TV2305Praktik Teknologi Industri Hewan AquatikPractice of Aquatic Animal Industrial Technology2
IIIV4TV2306Praktik Pengantar Penyakit HewanPractice of Introduction to Animal Disease3
IIIV4TV2307Praktik Statistik TerapanPractice of Applied Statistics3
IVV4TV2401Transformasi DigitalDigital Transformation2
IVV4TV2402Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium IIApplied of Laboratory Technology II2
IVV4TV2403Prosedur dan Aplikasi BiosekuritiProcedure and Apllication of Biosecurity2
IVV4TV2404Teknologi Industri Hewan TerestrialTerresterial Animal Industrial Technology3
IVV4TV2405Praktik Aplikasi Teknologi Laboratorium IIPractice of Applied of Laboratory Technology II3
IVV4TV2406Praktik Prosedur dan Aplikasi BiosekuritiPractice of Procedure and Apllication of Biosecurity2
IVV4TV2407Praktik Teknologi Industri Hewan TerestrialPractice of Terresterial Animal Industrial Technology3
IVV4TV2408Praktik Teknologi Pengelolaan LimbahPractice of Animal Waste Management Technology2
VV4TV3501Teknologi Reproduksi HewanAnimal Reproduction Technology2
VV4TV3502Higiene dan Sanitasi Produk HewanHygiene and Sanitation of Animal Product Origin2
VV4TV3503Bioteknologi TerapanApplied Biotechnology2
VV4TV3504Teknologi Obat HewanAnimal Medicine Technology2
VV4TV3505Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)2
VV4TV3506Praktik Teknologi Reproduksi HewanPractice of Animal Reproduction Technology2
VV4TV3507Praktik Higiene dan Sanitasi Produk HewanPractice of Hygiene and Sanitation of Animal Product Origin2
VV4TV3508Praktik Bioteknologi TerapanPractice of Applied Biotechnology2
VV4TV3509Praktik Teknologi Obat HewanPractice of Animal Medicine Technology2
VISV-Proyek Multidisiplin (MK lintas fakultas)Multidiscipline Project2
VIUNUBahasa Inggris IEnglish I2
VIV4TV3602Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Asal HewanAnimal Product Origin Processing Technology2
VIV4TV3603Kendali Mutu Produksi Produk Asal HewanQuality Control in Production of Animal Product Origin2
VIV4TV3604Praktik Teknologi Pengolahan Produk Asal HewanPractice of Animal Product Origin Processing Technology2
VIV4TV3605Praktik Teknologi Pemuliaan HewanPractice of Animal Breeding Technology2
VIV4TV3606Praktik Kendali Mutu Produk Asal HewanPractice of Quality Control in Production of Animal Product Origin3
VIV4TV3607MK Pilihan IElective Course I2
VIUNU-0206KKNCommunity Services Program3
VIV4TV3608.1Penyusunan Dokumen HACCPHACCP Documentation and Record Keeping2
VIV4TV3608.2Aneka Satwa HarapanNon-Livestock Animals2
VIV4TV3608.3Epidemiologi dan Ekonomi VeterinerEpidemiology and Veterinary Economics2
VIV4TV3608.4Teknologi Hewan LaboratoriumAnimal Laboratory Technology2
VIV4TV3608.5Kualitas dan Keamanan Produk AkuakulturQuality and Safety of Aquaculture Product Origin2
VIIUNU 0104AgamaReligious Education2
VIIUNU-001KewarganegaraanCivic Education2
VIIUNU-002PancasilaPancasila Education (The Five Principles)2
VIIV4TV4701Rancangan dan Inovasi Teknologi VeterinerVeterinary Technology Design and Innovation2
VIISV-1105Ide Kreatif & KewirausahaanCreative Idea and Enterpreunership2
VIISV-1100Bahasa Inggris IIEnglish II2
VIIV4TV4702Praktik Rancangan dan Inovasi Teknologi VeterinerPractice of Veterinary Technology Design and Innovation2
VIIV4TV4703MK Pilihan IIElective Course II2
VIIV4TV4703.1Formulasi Pakan DietetikDietetic Feed Formulation2
VIIV4TV4703.2Regulasi Bisnis Pengolahan Pangan Asal HewanAnimal Food Product Bussiness Regulation2
VIIV4TV4703.3Food and Vector Borne DiseaseFood and Vector Borne Disease2
VIIV4TV4703.4Aplikasi Teknik DiagnostikApplication of Diagnostic Technique2
VIIV4TV4703.5Sistem Komputasi dan SoftwareComputation system and software2
VIIIV4TV4801Magang Industri IIndustrial Field Work I2
VIIIV4TV4802Magang Industri IIIndustrial Field Work II2
VIIIV4TV4803Magang Industri IIIIndustrial Field Work III2
VIIIV4TV4804Magang Industri IVIndustrial Field Work IV2
VIIIV4TV4805Proyek AkhirFinal Project6