Vocational College UGM Lecturers Join the R&D team of the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Project

Friday (20/5) – the Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center (APWINC), appointed as the UNESCO Chair in Communication Technology for Women, successfully held the ‘Kick-off Workshop’ of the R&D team on “Enhancing Digital Economy Participation for ASEAN Women Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs)” project through a virtual conference, and in this project, one of the Vocational College UGM Lecturers, Mrs. Fani Pramuditya, S.E., M.B.A., is part of the team.

The APWINC was approved as the implementing agency last year for the 5-year project “Enhancing Digital Economy Participation for ASEAN Women MSMEs (2022-2026)” by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the ASEAN-ROK Cooperation Fund (AKCF). The project will benefit 14 local implementing institutions, 200 local trainers, and 4,002 female MSMEs in ASEAN. ASEAN women entrepreneurs would build capacity for using ICTs and online business platforms through the project. 

The APWINC initiated the project in 2022 and held the first Steering Committee meeting in March. The R&D team was launched in May with 12 experts in the fields of digital economy and e-Business. The R&D team consisted of 10 local consultants selected from 10 ASEAN countries and 2 Korean consultants. 

A total of 22 participations attended including consultants from 11 countries – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Republic of Korea – as well as the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-Korea Programme Management Team (AKPMT) of ASEAN-Korean Cooperation Fund (AKCF).

The R&D team will develop training courses to revitalize the e-business in ASEAN by identifying the current status and needs of the digital economy and e-business fields of 10 ASEAN countries. In addition, the team will promote joint research to find solutions that can improve the participation of ASEAN women in the digital economy. Based on the preliminary research result, the e-Business Training Toolkit will be developed by the end of this year.

The conference began with opening remarks made by Mr. Jaehwan Kwon, team leader and representative of AKPMT, and he expressed his belief that this project reflects the commitments made by both ASEAN and the Republic of Korea to achieve women empowerment, especially in the field of MSMEs by helping them make use of and benefit from the digital economy and e-commerce. He concluded his welcoming remark by emphasizing the hope of cultivating a sense of community building between ASEAN – Korea and the AKPMT’s support for a successful implementation of this project.

 In the second welcoming remark, Dr. Jungin Jo, the executive director of the APWINC, emphasized strong hopes for achieving the key objectives of this project, (1) to enhance ASEAN MSMEs empowerment based on practical digital business skills for ASEAN women, (2) to help revitalize the ASEAN economy, and (3) to strengthen the ties of friendship between South Korea and ASEAN. She concluded her remark by expressing her hope for in-depth collaboration and proactive engagement from all stakeholders.

In addition, the APWINC plans to hold the first Project Working Committee meeting this September, and has a ‘Training Toolkit Development Workshop’ in one of the ASEAN countries in November 2022.