Myth or Fact: Poor Dental Health Leads to Dementia?

Prof. Agus Maryono did a medical check up

Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in collaboration with  Academic Hospital or Rumah Sakit Akademik (RSA) and Dental and Oral Hospital or Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut (RSGM) Prof. Soedomo UGM held a dental examination and Talk Show for the academic community of Vocational College UGM on Wednesday (01/11) at the ballroom of the Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) Vocational College UGM. This talk show carries the theme “Myth or Fact: Poor Dental Health Triggers Dementia?” According to the head of administrative office of Vocational College UGM, M. Nur Budiyanto, S.Kom., M.Eng., this activity aims to support human resources in Vocational College to be productive, healthy, and excellent.

This activity was started with a consultation and dental examination which was conducted in the front hall of the ballroom of the TILC building. More than 50 people from the Vocational College academic community participated in this event, including the Dean of Vocational College UGM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Agus Maryono, IPM., ASEAN Eng. The event was then continued with the main agenda, which is Talk Show with dr. Yoga Rosal Widya Utama, Sp.N from RSA UGM and drg. Novi Tenripada, Sp.Prosto from RSGM Prof. Soedomo UGM as the speaker.

Dr. Yoga explained that besides aging, there are many factors that can cause dementia or what we often call senility. One of them is from food intake. The sugar content in food or drinks has a significant impact on the emergence of dementia because  we currently consume a lot of food or drinks without considering what content is contained in them. 

Dr. Yoga explains the dangers of sugar

“We drink coffee with sugar, tea with sugar, also packaged drinks usually contain high in sugar and this can be a trigger for dementia,” says dr. Yoga.

However, dr. Yoga also mentioned that it is okay to consume tea, coffee or others as long as it is not consumed every day. “Tea is actually good for consumption, but it’s better without sugar,” he said. In addition to reducing sugar intake in the body, good sleep quality can also affect the emergence of dementia. We can prevent dementia by having good quality sleep and doing exercise regularly.

Before moving to the next Talk Show, there was a presentation of material on the mechanism of examination services at Prof. Soedomo Dental and Oral Hospital UGM. The Talk Show was then continued by drg. Novi Tenripada who explained about the effect of dental health on the emergence of dementia. He explained that cavities or missing teeth can affect the mouth in chewing food so that it can trigger dementia. 

“So far, the amount of chewing food does not affect dementia, only cavities and tooth loss that do not get treatment can trigger dementia,” she added. 

The next session was a question and answer session among the speakers and the participants. Lastly, the event was closed with the awarding for participants who actively asked questions in the Talk Show.

Writers: Novita Widhi Astuti, Nadiva Rizkita Agustina

Editor: Humas SV UGM