The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMOLEC), in collaboration with the Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) presents an international seminar “EdTech Horizons: Exploring the Future of Open Distance Learning with AI and Beyond.” This seminar was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at the Ballroom of the Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC), Sekolah Vokasi UGM. By presenting experts, educators, and policymakers from various countries in Southeast Asia, this seminar aims to discuss the latest developments and challenges of educational technology (EdTech) and Open Distance Learning (ODL).

The event was attended by representatives of SEAMEO member countries, including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. These experts share insights on how artificial intelligence (AI) and the latest technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), as well as blockchain are changing the perspective of open distance learning today.
Furthermore, the international seminar also explored the transformative power of AI and the latest technologies in ODL, by discussing several key themes such as the role of AI in improving personalized learning and student engagement, the integration of VR and AR in creating immersive learning environments, as well as strategies to address challenges such as the digital divide, data privacy, and teacher training in the context of EdTech.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Agus Maryono, IPM., ASEAN Eng., dean of Sekolah Vokasi UGM, emphasized the importance of utilizing AI and the latest technology to improve open distance learning. He also highlighted the potential for transformative regional collaboration in the field of education. In addition, the holding of this seminar is also an honor for Sekolah Vokasi UGM to host this seminar and encourage collective efforts to ensure equitable access to education throughout Southeast Asia. “This is an important moment for all of us, especially in Southeast Asia, where diverse education systems, cultures, and challenges require collaborative solutions. This seminar will serve as a platform to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices from across the region.”, he said.
In addition, Dr. Wahyudi, Director of SEAMOLEC, emphasized the importance of regional collaboration in dealing with EdTech. He said, “The future of education is inseparable from technology, and by working together across countries, we can ensure that Open Distance Education (ODL) reaches its potential in Southeast Asia.”
Ir. Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM, who represented the Rector of UGM, also highlighted the importance of a forum like this in her speech. “Through this seminar, we hope to not only explore the opportunities presented by AI and the latest technologies, but also ensure that our education system remains inclusive and accessible to everyone.”, she said.
After the delivery of remarks from UGM and SEAMEO SEAMOLEC, the agenda continued with the signing of the Cooperation Agreement document between SEAMEO SEAMOLEC and Sekolah Vokasi UGM. The scope of this cooperation includes the implementation of training activities for lecturers and education staff.
The seminar featured two plenary sessions followed by interactive discussions modeled to resemble a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Experts from Southeast Asia shared their country-specific experiences in implementing AI and other technologies in ODL. Seminar participants were also given the opportunity to interact with the speakers through guided Q&A sessions, thus creating a collaborative exchange of ideas and best practices.
The main speakers who attended this seminar included representatives of SEAMEO SEAMOLEC from various countries, namely Mr. Pengiran Haji Bahrin bin Pengiran Sulaiman, Brunei Darussalam (Head of Educational Technology Centre Ministry of Education Brunei Darussalam), Mr. Sok Tha, Cambodia (Director of Information Technology Department, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia), Dr. Yudhistira Nugraha, Indonesia (Head of Center for Data and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia, Mr. Phoukhaoka Sacklokham, Lao PDR (Director-General ICT Center for Education and Sports, the Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR), Prof. Dr. Nu Nu Yi, Myanmar (Pro Rector of Yangon University of Distance Education), Dr. Ria Mae Borromeo, The Philippines (Director, Office of Student Affair University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU)), Mdm. Lee Lin Yee, Singapore (Divisional Director of Educational Technology Division, the Ministry of Education of Singapore), and Asst. Prof. Dr. Phanompatt Smittananda, Thailand (Acting President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU)).
The plenary sessions that discussed the topic comprehensively ran smoothly and were guided by Dr.Eng. Yosephus Ardean Kurnianto Prayitno, S.T., M.Eng. (Lecturer at Sekolah Vokasi UGM) and Dipl.Ing (BA), Cahya Kusuma Ratih, S.ST, MT (Deputy Director for Programme SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) as moderators. Participants from across Southeast Asia explored the opportunities and challenges presented by EdTech, and ultimately generated actionable recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to improve the effectiveness of ODL using AI and beyond.
Writer: Nadiva Rizkita Agustin
Editor: Humas SV UGM