Department of Earth Technology

Address | : | Gedung Tjahyono Adi Sekolah Vokasi Sekip 4, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta |
Phone | : | (+62274) 6492347 |
Fax | : | (+62274) 551255 |
: | | |
Website | : | |
The Department of Earth Technology focuses on preparing professional graduates in geospatial information technology. One of the products of geospatial information technology is a map. Especially today, maps (both analog and digital) are used for the purposes of work. In Indonesia, the President has launched a policy of national mapping namely ‘One Map Policy’. In the near future, Indonesia will need 40,000-50,000 surveyors to accelerate the implementation of ‘One Map Policy’. To address one of these human resource issues, this department gives support in terms of providing quality and reliable mapping human resources, particularly in the field of terrestrial surveys, photogrammetric surveys, remote sensing and geographic information systems.