General Surveying and Mapping Technology

Address : Gedung Tjahyono Adi Sekolah Vokasi Sekip 4, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta
Phone : (+62274) 6492347
Fax : (+62274) 551255
E-mail :
Website :


The Applied Undergraduate of General Surveying and Mapping Technology Program is an outstanding and innovative study program at a national and regional level. There are two programs offer, namely regular and switch programs.


This study program is the first applied undergraduate program in Indonesia that concerns survey and mapping purposes. Motivated by hands-on graduate needs and having the hard skills and soft skills, this program is here to answers this need. The existence of link and match with industry make this study program hits the nail on the head on produced the graduates.

Career Prospects

The massive need for graduates in the survey and mapping field, which is unbalanced with the graduates' availability, makes the graduates' career prospects widely open. There are many fields that the graduates can work on, such as mining, construction, plantation, agriculture, consultant, survey equipment vendor, and many ministries.



  • Good Accreditation