Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology

Address : Jl. Yacaranda Sekip Unit IV, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
Phone : +62274 6491302, 561111
Fax : +62274 542908
E-mail :
Website :


To prepare applied undergraduates in Instrumentation and Control with excellent competencies in the design, operation, and repair of a system of Instrumentation, Metrology, Control, Automation, and Robotics in Industry.


  1. It has competent Lecturers in instrumentation and control, having expertise certification for designing/operating an industrial plant based on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), and participating in the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) organization.
  2. Supported and facilitated by good facilities & infrastructure, including Industrial Instrumentation Lab, Robotic Lab, Metrology Lab, Electronics Workshop, Electronics Lab, Control Lab, and Computer Lab.
  3. The curriculum supports the certification of Instrument Engineer, Control Engineer, SCADA Engineer.
  4. Exchange opportunity to Ibaraki Japan, etc.

Career Prospect

  1. BUMN (Pertamina, PLN, PGN, Indonesia Power).
  2. International private companies in Indonesia and abroad (Siemens, ABB, Emerson, Rockwell Automation, Schneider, Honeywell, Yokogawa, Omron, etc.).
  3. National private companies engaged in Instrumentation and Control.
  4. Research Institutions (BPPT, LIPI, BATAN, etc.).
  5. Opportunities to continue study to an inline master degree both at national and international universities.
  6. Technopreneur in Instrumentation and Control.



  • Good Accreditation