
Address | : | Sekip Unit 1 Catur Tunggal Depok Sleman Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55281 |
Phone | : | (0274) 589750 |
: | dbsmb.sv@ugm.ac.id | |
Website | : | https://dbsmb.sv.ugm.ac.id/ |
The Bachelor of Applied English is committed to being an excellent Study Program, having Pancasila spirit, strong character and upholding culture, international insight and capable of synergizing in the global world. The Study Program prepares scholars in the field of Applied English who are able to communicate in the context of digital public relations to build internal and external organizational relationships through media relations with mastery of digital literacy as well as technology and information applications.
The Bachelor of Applied English is the pioneer of higher education in the field of English for business communication in the field of public relations. The curriculum is based on Common European Frameworks of Reference (CEFR) for Language and the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) on Public Relations Year 2016I. The lecturers in the Study Program have been certified in the fields of English and Public Relations. Graduates of this study program have advantages in terms of spoken and written English proficiency, cross-cultural communication skills, the ability to perform public relations functions, and the ability to conduct applied research. Graduates will get language certification and public relations certification
Career Prospects
The graduates of Bachelor of Applied English have broad career prospects both in national and international levels. Every company organization and institution, both state-owned and private, must always maintain a good image and be able to establish good relations with its public. This is where the graduates of the Bachelor of Applied English play a role in bridging organizations communication with their public with proficient spoken and written English skills in the context of public relations. Graduates of the Bachelor of Applied English can occupy positions in the following companies and institutions: national and multinational private companies. Consultants and Public Relations Agencies, International Institutions, Government Agencies and Ministries, Local Governments and Regional offices, State and Regional Owned Enterprises, National and International NGOs.
- Good Accreditation