International Programs Offered

Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada offers classes for foreign students in the form of non-degree program by cooperation scheme (only offered for partner institution) .

Description of Study Program for International Mobility

Study programs at the Vocational College UGM which are offered to foreign students participating in non-degree activities are quite a lot.

List of Courses Offered and Credits Obtained

No.Study ProgramCoursesCredit
1English LanguageCross Cultural Understanding2
Digital Marketing2
Public Relations2
2Japanese LanguageSpeaking I2
Speaking II2
Speaking III2
3Korean LanguageExtracurricular “Traditional Culture and Music”2
4TourismPlanning and Developing Tourism3
Creative Tourism3
Business Communication2

Specifically for study programs in the Departments of Engineering Department, courses offered to foreign students are not always the same every year. This is because the courses will be offered by related study programs based on the "Motivation Letter" and the intentions of foreign students who will take part in international activities. In special cases, foreign students can choose courses to be joined when the "Call for Participants" takes place.

Duration of the Program

No.Name of the ProgramDuration
1International Learning-Coaching Program (ILCP)1 year (2 semester)
2International Internship Program on Japanese Language Teaching2 weeks
3International Short Course Program (ISCP)6 months (1 semester)
4International Summer Course2 weeks
5International Fellowship Program2 – 3 weeks
6SV-KUIM Student Mobility Program2 weeks
7SV-CDTC Student Exchange Program4 weeks
8Project Based Learning Student Exchange Program2 weeks
9SV-Akashi Student Exchange Program4 weeks

Semester Information

Even Semester (February – May)

Odd Semester (August – November)


Most of the international programs offered by Vocational College UGM do not charge fees from foreign students who participate. This gives rise to these programs creating cooperation. However, there are also international programs that collect fees from foreign students, that is International Summer Course program.

International Summer Course charges fees that depending on the type of activity and its scope. The average cost to take part in the International Summer Course held by Vocational College UGM is about USD 600.


  1. Photocopy of Toefl certificate (if needed)
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Health Certificate (specifically for programs with duration of > 6 months)
  4. Motivation Letter
  5. Photocopy of a valid passport
  6. Letter of Acceptance / Invitation Letter from Vocational College UGM
  7. VISA by duration of activities / programs for foreign students to be participated (staff of Office of International Affairs Vocational College UGM will assist in determining the type of recommended visa)
  8. Health Insurance (specifically for foreign students who take part in activities / programs for more than 1 month)
  9. Academic Transcript from the Home University
  10. Recommendation Letter from the Faculty / Home University

How to Apply?

Vocational College UGM will send "Call for Participants" to each of the available international programs. Foreign students who are interested in participating in international programs can collect the required documents to the staff of the Office of International Affairs / Lecturer in charge of activities at Home University. All documents are then sent to Office of International Affairs Vocational College UGM for further admission processes.

Important Date

Classes offered to foreign students who are summarized in international programs are partly joined in the odd semester and others in the even semester each year.

1)          Admission for Even Semester (February – May)

No.Name of The ProgramTime PeriodInformation
1International Fellowship ProgramSeptember - OctoberCall for Participants
November - DecemberReceive the documents, admission process, schedule of activities include the immigration matters (VISA, etc)
2Project Based Learning Student Exchange ProgramDecember - JanuaryCall for Participants
January - FebruaryReceive the documents, admission process, schedule of activities include the immigration matters (VISA, etc)
3International Internship Program on Japanese Language TeachingNovember - JanuaryCall for Participants
January - FebruaryReceive the documents, admission process, schedule of activities include the immigration matters (VISA, etc)
4SV-KUIM Student Mobility ProgramDecember - JanuaryCall for Participants
February -MarchReceive the documents, admission process, schedule of activities include the immigration matters (VISA, etc)
5International Summer CourseJanuary - MayCall for Participants
May - Juneimmigration matters (VISA, etc)

2)      Admission for odd semester (August – November)

No.Name of the ProgramTime PeriodExplanation
1International Learning-Coaching Program (ILCP)February - AprilCall for Participants
April - JulyReceive the documents, admission process, study permit, schedule of activities ,immigration matters (VISA, etc)
August - JuneImplementation
2International Short Course Program (ISCP)Call for Participants
May - JuneP Receive the documents, admission process, study permit, schedule of activities ,immigration matters (VISA, etc)
August - NovemberImplementation
3SV-Akashi Student Exchange ProgramMay - JuneCall for Participants
June - JulyReceive the documents, admission process, study permit schedule of activities ,immigration matters (VISA, etc)
August / SeptemberImplementation
4SV-CDTC Student Exchange ProgramJune - JulyCall for Participants
August - SeptemberReceive the documents, admission process, study permit, schedule of activities ,immigration matters (VISA, etc)
October / NovemberImplementation


Inquiries and Contact

For more information, please feel free to contact our office of International Affairs (+62-274 541020) or email: