Vocational College Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a student exchange with Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China through the program “Recent Trends on Biomedical and Industrial Research”. A total of three NUAA master’s program students participated in the program which took place at the Vocational College of Universitas Gadjah Mada from January 17 to February 18, 2024.

On Monday, January 22, 2024, Vocational College UGM officially welcomed the three NUAA students through a welcoming session located in room 201 of the TILC Vocational College UGM building. The event began with remarks as well as presentation of the program overview from one of the lecturers of Vocational College UGM as well as Person in Charge (PIC) Program, namely Dr. Eng. Yosephus Ardean Kurnianto Prayitno, St.T., M.Eng. which was then continued with remarks from Dr. Endang Soelistyowati, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Vice Dean for Cooperation and Alumni Vocational College UGM.
“These students are exceptionally innovative because they are able to make things useful for the community and society in accordance with their respective fields of expertise.”, said Dr. Endang Soelistyowati, S.Pd., M.Pd. in her speech which appreciated the achievements of students participating in the program and university students in general.
The event then continued with the introduction from three NUAA students, namely Liang Jinming, Peng Junwen, and Zou Bin. After introducing themselves, the three students also displayed a profile video of Nanjing city where they studied in China. Furthermore, the session also presented several UGM students who became student buddies for participants during the program. The student buddies consisted of three applied bachelor students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Vocational College UGM, namely Dzaki Endaputra, Airlangga Nanda Suprapto, and Aidzin Iqbal Rohim, as well as two master students of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UGM named Nico Ndaru Pratama and Wahyu Hayatullah.
The activity series of the student exchange program includes campus orientation, welcoming ceremony, research activity, cultural events, and farewell ceremony. The implementation of this program is expected to improve Sister University relations between UGM Indonesia and NUAA China, especially in Student Mobility In-bound to UGM. Furthermore, UGM students who are involved in the program are also encouraged to improve their ability to conduct research and establish international relations.
Writer: Nadiva Rizkita Agustina
Editor: Humas SV UGM