I | | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | |
I | | Pemrograman Komputer | Computer Programming | 1 | |
I | | Praktik Pemrograman Komputer | Computer Programming Practicum | | 2 |
I | | Matematika untuk Survei Pemetaan | Engineering Mathematics | 1 | |
I | | Latihan Matematika untuk Survei Pemetaan | Engineering Mathematics Practicum | | 2 |
I | | Kartografi | Cartography | 2 | |
I | | Praktik Kartografi | Cartography Practicum | | 2 |
I | | Survei PemetaanI | Surveying and Mapping I | 2 | |
I | | Praktik Survei Pemetaan I | Surveying and Mapping I Practicum | | 3 |
I | | Statistik untuk Survei Pemetaan | Statistics for Surveying | 1 | |
I | | Hitungan Statistik untuk Survei Pemetaan | Statistics for Surveying Practicum | | 2 |
II | | Fotogrametri Udara | Aerial Photogrammetry | 2 | |
II | | Praktik Fotogrametri Udara | Aerial Photogrammetry Practicum | | 2 |
II | | Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | |
II | | Survei Pemetaan II | Surveying and Mapping II | 2 | |
II | | Praktik Survei Pemetaan II | Surveying and Mapping II Practicum | | 3 |
II | | Bahasa Inggris I | English I | 2 | |
II | | Agama | Religion | 2 | |
II | | Pendaftaran Tanah | Land Registration | 2 | |
II | | Hitung Kuadrat Terkecil | Least Square Adjustment | 3 | |
III | | Pengindraan Jauh | Remote Sensing | 2 | |
III | | Praktik Pengindraan Jauh | Remote Sensing Practicum | | 2 |
III | | Survei Pemetaan Digital | Digital Mapping Survey | 2 | |
III | | Praktik Survei Pemetaan Digital | Digital Mapping Survey Practicum | | 3 |
III | | Sistem Basisdata | Database System | 2 | |
III | | Sistem Informasi Geospasial | Geospatial Information System | 2 | |
III | | Praktik Basisdata | Database Practicum | | 2 |
III | | Praktik Sistem Informasi Geospasial | Geospatial Information System Practicum | | 2 |
III | | Sistem Koordinat Acuan Pemetaan | Mapping Reference Coordinate System | 1 | |
III | | Hitungan Sistem Koordinat Acuan Pemetaan | Mapping Reference Coordinate System Practicum | | 2 |
IV | | Survei Pertambangan | Mining Survey | 1 | |
IV | | Praktik Survei Pertambangan | Mining Survey Practicum | | 2 |
IV | | Model Terain Digital | Digital Terrain Model | 1 | |
IV | | Praktik Model Terrain Digital | Digital Terrain Model Practicum | | 2 |
IV | | Proyeksi Peta | Map Projection | 3 | |
IV | | Pemodelan dan Visualisasi Objek 3D (Aplikasi CAD) | 3D Object Modelling and Visualization | | 2 |
IV | | Pengetahuan Alat Survei Pemetaan | Survey and Mapping Instrument | | 2 |
IV | | Survei GNSS | GNSS Survey | 2 | |
IV | | Praktik Survei GNSS | GNSS Survey Practicum | | 3 |
IV | | Survei Hidrografi | Hydrography Survey | 2 | |
V | | Survei Rekayasa | Engineering Survey | 2 | |
V | | Praktik Survei Rekayasa | Engineering Survey Practicum | | 3 |
V | | Pemetaan Kadastral | Cadastral Mapping | 1 | |
V | | Praktik Pemetaan Kadastral | Cadastral Mapping Practicum | | 3 |
V | | Sistem Informasi Geospasialberbasis Web | Web-based Geospatial Information System | 1 | |
V | | Praktik Sistem Informasi Geospasialberbasis Web | Web-based Geospatial Information System Practicum | | 2 |
V | | Survei Fotogrametri Terestrial | Terrestrial Photogrammetry | 1 | |
V | | Praktik Survei Fotogrametri Terestrial | Terrestrial Photogrammetry Practicum | | 2 |
V | | Praktik Kerja Lapangan | Field Work | | 3 |
V | | Survei Pemetaan Sensor Aktif | Active Sensor for Surveying and Mapping | 2 | |
VI | | Jaring Kontrol Pemetaan | Mapping Control Networks | | 3 |
VI | | Bahasa Inggris II | English II | | 2 |
VI | | MK Lintas Fakultas | Cross-faculty Courses | 2 | |
VI | | Ide Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan | Creative Idea and Entrepreneurship | | 2 |
VI | | Aplikasi Survei GNSS | Applied GNSS | 2 | |
VI | | Praktik Aplikasi Survei GNSS | Applied GNSS Practicum | | 2 |
VI | | Teknik Komunikasi dan Presentasi | Communication and Presentation Techniques | | 2 |
VI | | Survei Konstruksi | Construction Survey | 1 | |
VI | | Praktik Survei Konstruksi | Construction Survey Practicum | | 2 |
VI | | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | Elective Courses | | 2 |
VII | | KKN | KKN | | 3 |
VII | | Manajemen Proyek | Project Management | | 2 |
VII | | Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 | |
VII | | Etika Profesi | Professional Ethics | 2 | |
VII | | Mata Kuliah Pilihan | Elective Courses | | 2 |
VIII | | Industrial Base: | Industrial Base: | | |
VIII | | Magang | Internship | | 8 |
VIII | | Proyek Akhir | Final Project | | 6 |
VIII | | Laboratory Base: | Laboratory Base: | | |
VIII | | Kerja Praktik | Practical Work | | 4 |
VIII | | Seminar | Seminar | | 2 |
VIII | | Tugas Akhir | Final Project | | 8 |
VIII | | Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja | Occupational Health and Safety | | 2 |
VIII | | Survei Perbatasan Wilayah | Regional Border Survey | | 2 |
VIII | | Survei Terowongan | Tunnel Survey | | 2 |
VIII | | Survei Utilitas | Utility Survey | | 2 |
VIII | | Pemetaan Digital Otomatis | Automatic Digital Survey | | 2 |
VIII | | Survei Rute | Route Survey | | 2 |